Saturday, April 15, 2017


A group activity ‘MILES OF MINT’ aimed to promote awareness, appreciation and acceptance among the students of grade 1 to 6 about the different tribes in India, Philippines and Canada and value their cultural sustainability (especially MINT – Mohawk, Igorot, Naga and Toda tribes). As a measure to appreciate their practices the children observed  ‘Living Life The Tribal Way’, for a week ( 12th March to 18th March 2017) in the Junior School by forgoing the electric bell, adding a dish of the tribes in the menu and facilitating  Talking circles. The young minds got connected to the Indigenous culture and appreciated the cultural diversity of the Indigenous people as well as they developed an empathy towards the marginalized communities.


  1. The excitement children exhibited in tasting the tribal delicacies, participating in the talking circles and ringing the bell certainly showcased their appreciation and acceptance towards indigenous way of living.

  2. We enjoyed the talking circles... It was a feeling of pride to see our students speaking so confidently, so profoundly about issues in the society.. They showed empathy and compassion.. It was an eye-opening experience :-)
